Monday, 6 April 2009

North Korean rocket launch - but where is it going to land?

Am I the only one who is disturbed by the launch yesterday of the North Korean rocket? The news seems to be reporting only that the rocket was launched and they every nation in the world is "disgusted" (cue big philosophical discussions about North Korea, rockets etc etc). But during the whole of the news reports they seem to be missing out one rather important piece of information - WHERE ON EARTH IS THE ROCKET GOING TO LAND?

Call me old fashioned but from an everyday, sitting in our tenement in South London perspective, this seems rather important. Is it coming down on our heads next? Should we run? Is it aimed at Japan (again?) Apparently the last ones just went over Japan. That must have been comforting. Can someone please tell us where it is going to land so that we know who should be panicking / running away very fast / crouching in a corner with a bag over their head. It won't help anyone but it would just be nice to know.


That is all.

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